Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Welcome one and all!!

Just got back from a sunny vacation in USVI where I was unable to blog due to this website being in Spanish. French, German or Italian I could have managed but not Spanish. So here I am with a mini tutorial for you.
The image you see here is from my Hubble Space Telescope Series. This has a black velvet background to which I added Angelina fibers, silk roving, and thread. The center shape is silk dupioni which has been heavily beaded.
If you live in the Philadelphia, PA area and would like a class on this, I'm happy to teach you or your group. Speaking of teaching, I have my beginning embroidery class starting Saturday, April 10 and 17 in Radnor, PA. Since these classes are getting full, I will offer afternoon and evening classes in April if Saturdays are a problem.
Remember to create something this week that brings you joy.
walk in beauty,

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